Welcome to the Wonderful World of Homeopathy!

If you are new to homeopathy, congratulations! You are beginning an amazing journey of discovering new possibilities for your and your loved ones’ health.

If you are familiar with homeopathy or have used it before, feel free to skim through this article (as it’s a guide to our site) and check out the articles on the blog.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was created in the 1700’s, German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.  

homeopathic pellets on green leaf

Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars; like will cure like. For example, if you are suffering from a fever, you would take a remedy that would cause fever in a healthy person. But when you are sick with a fever, the remedy stimulates your body to heal and the fever will go away.

Also, Homeopathy is:

  • Based on scientific principles (1)
  • Gentle, safe and effective.
  • Without toxic drugs or side effects
  • Holistic — it treats the whole body, not just the symptoms.
  • A catalyst. It resolves disease by naturally activating and boosting the body’s inner ability to heal itself.
  • An Individualized medicine—each person is different and will often need different remedies to resolve their health problems.
  • Ultimately giving you tools to heal yourself naturally

Another thought: While reading “Organon of the Medical Art” by Dr Samuel Hahnemann (this book is the foundation of homeopathy, these words in the forward written by Jeremey Sherr caught my attention:

Organon contains the word “or,” which in Hebrew means ‘light.’ In the beginning God made light which endowed with love and truth , fertilized life with the seeds of source. In the medical world, Hahnemann’s Organon represents this light.

God spoke the world into being; by the frequency of His words all things were created (Genesis 1). But not only did He create the world, He is giving mankind the gift of healing by using the frequencies that are His divine signature in everything that He created. Homeopathy is simply a system that uses the frequencies that our Heavenly Father made, to bring healing—a precious gift—to mankind.

Homeopathy is NOT

  • Essential oils
  • Supplements – Homeopathic remedies should not be treated as supplements, the only exception being cell salts as those can help correct mineral imbalances in the body.
  • Probiotics
  • Herbs – A lot of homeopathic remedies are made from herbs yet all types of other substances are used to make homeopathic remedies.
  • Naturopathy (note: homeopathic remedies can be used by naturopaths but it often is not according to homeopathic principles)

Who is Behind Radiant Homeopathy?

Before we continue, let me introduce myself. My name is Elisa –lover of good stories, passionate about Yeshua and intrigued by our wonderfully designed bodies. Homeopathy has been part of my life since I was a young teen.

Elisa and Marisa Homeopaths - Radiant Homeopathy

My mom, Marisa, and I are certified homeopaths who love helping our clients get to the root cause of their issues. We both worked as teachers before becoming homeopaths – my mom taught ESL and I worked in special education. It is a joy taking our teacher’s mindset and applying it to solve our client’s health problems. We have studied a variety of homeopathic methods—CEASE, Tom Jansen, Narayani remedies, Banerji protocols, Australian Bush Flower Essences—and were trained classically but we mainly use Katie Cunha’s method of homeopathic detox. This method is gentle on the body, and not as complicated as some of the other methods of homeopathic detox.

We have used many natural alternative modalities in our personal healing journeys – my mom from metal toxicity and multiple allergies and me (Elisa) from Brain fog, Head injuries and debilitating migraines. People would tells us that our symptoms were all in our heads, but homeopathy has taught us otherwise.

The body does keep score and have a memory of its own. Homeopathy has helped our body clear the past, so our present and future can be filled with joy, energy and good health. It can do that same for you!

What Homeopathy can Help

Homeopathy can be used for people of all ages, even babies and pets.

Personally, I have seen homeopathy help with:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Learning challenges
  • Behavioral issues
  • Memory problems
  • Allergies : food & environmental
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Injuries
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Speech issues
  • Toxicity
  • & so much more!

My mom and I love exploring new methods and using new remedies. If you are struggling with unexplainable fatigue, there are 5 little known remedies that I have found to help.

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Additional Modalities that Homeopathy Works Well With

Homeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine. I have found that homeopathic treatment often works well with:

  • Good diet & regular physical exercise
  • Chiropractor care as needed
  • Needed supplements/medications prescribed by a doctor
  • Some essential oils –while taking homeopathic remedies, camphor, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, lavender and menthol oils should be avoided as they may cancel out the effect of the homeopathic remedy.

Wrapping it up

If you have lingering health issues or mysterious symptoms that come and go, working with a homeopath is best. Here at Radiant Homeopathy, we LOVE working with complex cases, finding the root of the problem. Contact us today to start your journey to health!

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(1) https://www.homeobook.com/nobel-laureate-explains-the-principles-of-homeopathy/ (If you would like a detailed scientific explanation on how homeopathy works, read the pdf linked in that article.)
