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What is Homeopathy?

Its an important question. Every time I introduce myself as a homeopath, I get a blank stare or the person excitingly tells me that she uses essential oils too.

Let’s clear up the confusion. To be honest, even though I have used homeopathic remedies since I was a little girl, I didn’t know what homeopathy was until a few years ago.

Let’s start off with what homeopathy is NOT:

Homeopathy is NOT:

  • Essential oils
  • Supplements
  • Probiotics
  • Herbs or Herbal tinctures
  • Naturopathy

All these are wonderful tools that can be used to heal your body, but it does not fall under the scope of homeopathy. Just like some chiropractors do cranial sacral or suggest vitamins to take, some homeopaths may include these along with homeopathic treatment.

But that is not Homeopathy.

Homeopathy is:

  • form of alternative medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities.
  • Individualized medicine—each person is different and will need different homeopathic remedies to resolve their health problems.
  • a system of natural medicine that has existed for hundreds of years

Homeopathy was created by Dr Samuel Hahnemann back in the 1700s. It is based on the idea that “like cures like—the idea that your body can fight against any symptom by using a remedy that contains a substance that, in its natural form, would cause the same symptom.

Homeopathy uses herbs, poisonous plants, and at times, parts of animals to make homeopathic remedies for their healing properties. But don’t worry, homeopathic remedies are diluted over and over again, so that there is nothing of the original substance left in the remedy. It is a nano-medicine that interacts with the body on an energetic and physical level.

There are thousands of homeopathic remedies; some of the most common ones are Arnica, Belladonna and Chamomilla.

All of these remedies are diluted to the same degree, usually hundreds of times, depending on the potency of the remedy. This is why remedies made from poisonous plants like Belladonna can be safely and effectively used when in homeopathic form.

The remedies are then taken to treat various symptoms to help the body fight off illness.

How do I learn more about Homeopathy?

Great question! Here are some ideas:

  1. Read this blog post for resources to learn more about homeopathy https://radianthomeopathy.com/homeopathy-resources-for-beginners/
  2. Join Facebook groups ––a great group to join is:  Ask a Homeopath or Homeopathy247
  3. Take a short class on homeopathy. My teacher Willa Keizer from Caduceus Institute wrote a great class –Discover the 10 Essential Homeopathy Remedies. You can access it for free when you sign up for her newsletter. Here’s her website: https://homeopathytraining.org/
  4. Choose 3-5 remedies, purchase them and use them to help your family. Using homeopathic remedies is the best way to learn about homeopathy.
  5. Find a homeopath to work with you or a loved one that has a health issue. That’s one of the best ways to learn as you get to experience how homeopathy works firsthand.

To learn more about homeopathy from a homeopath, join our newsletter to receive monthly tips on how homeopathy can help you!


Elisa, Homeopath at Radiant Homeopathy