Let’s talk about sugar today. I know. Sugar seems to be all around us in this season – candy, chocolate, the doughnuts at meetings, the delicious pie that a friend made.
Sugar is a problem. With obesity and health issues on the rise in America, the need to stay healthy increases, so eliminating or limiting the amount of sugar one eats becomes more and more important.
Dealing with Sugar Cravings
Note: If you attended my local class in October about Dealing with Sugar, feel free to skip this section.

There are several kinds of sugar. Just to clarify, I am not talking about honey, fruit or stevia –these are good for the body, or even manmade sugars such as Aspartame, Sucralose, Saccharin and corn syrup –these should be avoided at all times.
The sugar I want to talk about is the lovely white refined sugar we use for baking, and is commonly found in most pre-packaged foods: cane sugar and beet sugar.
The key to help deal with sugar cravings is to figure out WHAT is driving the craving.
Some questions to ask yourself:
· Are you craving sugar as a pick-me-up after not sleeping last night?
· Did you drink enough water today?
· When was the last time that you ate protein?
· Are you stressed & eating sugar is comforting?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, there are a few more factors to consider such as gut imbalances such as candida and fungus or there is simply a toxic overload in the body.
Remedies for Sugar Cravings
Some remedies to consider to help deal with sugar cravings are:
• Argentum Nitricum –Great craving for sweets which also disagree. Desires ice cream, fats and sweets.
• Lycopodium –excessive hunger, food allergies, headache when not eating regularly. Stomach/gut complaints
• Saccharum– homeopathic remedy made from sugar– compulsive eating, little or no appetite in the morning, but insatiable appetite in the evening for sweets, especially licorice. Worse from chocolate, sweets.
If you are craving sweets and having a hard time stopping yourself from eating them, one of these remedies may help you. I would read about them in the Materia medica (the reference book for homeopathic remedies) and figure out which one best matches you. Here is a free online Materia medica that you can use: http://www.homeoint.org/clarke/s.htm
Final Thoughts
Another remedy that I have found helps with sugar cravings is:
• Glyphosate homeopathic remedy (for toxic overload)
Cane and Beet Sugar are heavily sprayed multiple times during their growth with sprays that contain glyphosate. Glyphosate can build up in our body, causing unexplainable body aches, joint pain and general tiredness. Taking this homeopathic remedy can help stimulate your body to detox and bring relief.
If sugar cravings are a constantly issue for you, consider booking a Meet & Greet call to see how homeopathy can help you.