What we Do

Using homeopathy alongside regular chiropractic care can help reduce &
resolve the symptoms of a head injury faster, than just chiropractic care on its own.

Imagine life without annoying symptoms plaguing you yearly.

Struggle with heavy periods, psorasis, horomonal issues, troubles with menopause or other female issues? Homeopathy can help!

Homeopathy can clean up the lingering symptoms from Covid that are keeping you from enjoying life.

Homeopathy can help reduce your anxiety and help you get to the root cause.

Homeopathy has helped people overcome headaches, autoimmune diseases, autism, learning challenges, chronic pain & much more!

Initial Appointment

— LENGTH: 1 – 1.5 hr.

For any type of health condition that you would like helped with homeopathy.

Remedies for 2-4 weeks included, with the exception of specialized remedies that client may need purchase on their own.*

Follow-up Appointment

— Length: 30-45 min

Continuing treatment includes remedies for 2-4 weeks. *

Don’t see your specific health issue listed?

Reach out for a free 15 min consultation to see how homeopathy can help you.